“I pray that they will all be one,
just as You and I are one.”
John 17:21
When Jesus had the opportunity to pray for us, the main thing He prayed was that we would
experience a “oneness” with each other, like He experienced with His Father. Jesus saw this
oneness as being one of the most important things for us to experience in our lives.
The Greek word for the word “fellowship” is KOINONIA. It means partnership, participation, and
intimacy. It is impossible to follow God’s plan for our lives without this close fellowship with
other believers. At Mountain Life we seek to discover koinonia through our MOUNTAIN LIFE
GROUPS. These groups meet throughout the week and discuss the Bible teachings from
Sunday mornings. These groups are a place where you are able to engage in relationships with
other Christians and grow closer to the Lord. Our groups run in 8-12 week seasons throughout the
year. Join a group today, or jump in on the next season.
Sign up to join a group near you now.
experience a “oneness” with each other, like He experienced with His Father. Jesus saw this
oneness as being one of the most important things for us to experience in our lives.
The Greek word for the word “fellowship” is KOINONIA. It means partnership, participation, and
intimacy. It is impossible to follow God’s plan for our lives without this close fellowship with
other believers. At Mountain Life we seek to discover koinonia through our MOUNTAIN LIFE
GROUPS. These groups meet throughout the week and discuss the Bible teachings from
Sunday mornings. These groups are a place where you are able to engage in relationships with
other Christians and grow closer to the Lord. Our groups run in 8-12 week seasons throughout the
year. Join a group today, or jump in on the next season.
Sign up to join a group near you now.
Are you interested in starting a group in your neighborhood? Become a Mountain LifeGroup host! Group hosts open their homes and provide hospitality and a comfortable space to gather. Sign up here and you will be contacted with more information regarding the details.