
a ministry for moms with children ages newborn through pre-k.

MomCo is a rebrand of MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). We are a church outreach group, kindly hosted at Mountain Life Gypsum, that is run by fellow mamas of littles. We come together several times a month to fellowship, socialize, and fill our cups with friendship, good-eats, and fun times!

Join us for MomCo 2024-2025. Register NOW!


Meeting Times and Days

We get together on the second Friday of the month from September-May. We gather from 9:15-11:15 am for brunch, with lots of coffee and tea. Together, we listen to speakers, win goodies through raffles, laugh together, celebrate together, build relationships and have discussion groups all while our babies hang out in the best childcare rooms at the church. All of this is covered by a one time yearly fee which equates to roughly $10/meeting! Anyone who knows childcare knows what a deal that is!

Exciting Extra Events

This year we are introducing a few new and exciting things to our repertoire! We are adding prayer groups, meal ministries, MomCo sponsored play dates, monthly moms’ nights out, service projects for our moms, and evening events. This years membership also includes an amazing MomCo Gypsum-Eagle t-shirt! The international fees are now included in our membership. This fee provides a wonderful online resource through MomCo International, as well as a quarterly magazine and course discounts at Colorado Christian University.

Who We Are

We are just a simple group of mamas who love our babies, love God, and want to love on other mamas in our community. We desire friendship and community and are honored to build a tribe with each and everyone that walks through our door. 

Contact Us & Follow Us

We really hope to have you join us and if you have any questions please reach out to us through the email below and follow our Facebook page for updates on events and more.

2024-2025 Theme

Our theme for 2024-2025  is “Wild Hope!” We’re declaring this the year of new things. 

A new season needs a new strategy, and we choose wild, contagious hope. Hope is not a passive exercise in wishing; it’s an active approach to living life engaged. Hope is generative. 

In Proverbs 13:12 we read, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Hope provides clarity, vision and vitality.