Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
At Mountain Life Kids, our mission for kids of mountain communities is to bring them to Jesus! The way we do this is to REACH. RAISE. And RELEASE. We want REACH kids of all over with the gospel of Christ. We want to come together as a church to RAISE them up in a trusting and life-giving relationship with Jesus that is founded in Scripture. Then, we want to RELEASE them into this world as disciples of the next generation.
We offer an experience that goes beyond simple childcare on Sundays. For more information on the environments we currently offer for each age group, please see below. If you are interested in serving our christian community by discipling the lives of the future, please fill out the form below to get started.
We offer an experience that goes beyond simple childcare on Sundays. For more information on the environments we currently offer for each age group, please see below. If you are interested in serving our christian community by discipling the lives of the future, please fill out the form below to get started.

3 months - 2 years old
We want even the youngest of children to be able to encounter God’s deep love. We offer this through the quality care of our Nursery servants; each one of our volunteers for this classroom are ready to play, sing fun songs, and explore a story in the Bible each Sunday.

3 - 4 years old
The kids in this classroom get to experience God’s love hands on through play time with their classmates, exciting bible stories, and fun games and crafts. Our leaders are passionate about encouraging these kids to engage in the activities and interact with new friends.
5 - 11 years old
Our older kids encounter God’s love through games, worship, bible teachings, and fellowship. They are encouraged to build close relationships with God and their community to develop a strong foundation on Christ and to walk where God is calling them.
We also offer a variety of seasonal discipleship programs like Awana and VBS depending on the time of year and campus location. For more information, please visit your campus’s registration page.
We strive to build a team of passionate leaders to teach, play, and pray with the children that walk into each classroom. Our goal is to create a safe and fun place for kids to connect with leaders; a space where they can be open, ask questions, and feel loved and supported. This is a very important time in these kids’ lives; a time where they are beginning to establish the foundational beliefs that will become a huge part of their identities for the rest of their lives. If you are interested in serving our christian community by discipling the lives of the future, please connect with our Children’s Ministry Director Emily McKinney at kids@mountainlife.church.